In the study a total of 18 crab species were identified, belonging to 10 families (Calappidae, Epialtidae, Gecarcinidae,
Grapsidae, Matutidae, Ocypodidae, Panopeidae, Sesarmidae, Varunidae, and
Xanthidae) order Decapoda under subphylum crustacean with relevant distinguish
morphological and meristic character and geographical position. We investigated
crab species of Bangladesh from December 2013 to October 2014. All species
samples were collected by hand picking on a baseline survey in Saint Martin’s
Island (the only coral island of Bangladesh) and adjacent marine water body of
Bay of Bengal, Satkhira area (brackish and freshwater) and mangrove forest area
(Sundarban). Among 18 species, 10 crab species from Family Epialtidae (1
species), Gecarcinidae (2 species), Ocypodidae (1 species), Panopeidae (1
species), Sesarmidae (1 species) and Xanthidae (4 species) were newly occurred
in the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. Cardisoma armatum and Zosymus
aeneus species were larger than other enlisted species.
Source : Alam, N. , Chakraborty, S. , Hossain, M. , Baki, M. , Alam, S. and Li,
C. (2020) Brachyuran Crab Fauna Character Estimated from Marine Water
of Bangladesh and Noted New Record (Crustacea: Decapoda) as
Distribution. Open Journal of Marine Science, 10, 218-232. doi: 10.4236/ojms.2020.104017.