Tuesday 23 April 2013

Trithemis kirbyi

Trithemis kirbyi is a species of dragonfly in family Libellulidae.  It is also known as the Kirby's Dropwing.Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests, dry savanna, moist savanna, subtropical or tropical dry shrubland, subtropical or tropical moist shrubland, rivers, and inland karsts.

Trithemis kirbyi

Phylum : Arthopoda
Class : Insecta
Order : Odonata
Family : Libellulidae
Genus : Trithemis
Species: Trithemis kirbyi

Location : Buriganga river, Dhaka
Date : 10.04.13

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Calotes versicolor

The Oriental Garden LizardEastern Garden Lizard or Changeable Lizard (Calotes versicolor) is an agamid lizard found widely distributed in Asia. It has also been introduced in many other parts of the world. It is an insectivore and the male gets a bright red throat in the breeding season leading to a common incorrect name of "Bloodsucker" .
 Fig.Calotes versicolor
English Name : Common Garden Lizard
Scientific NameCalotes versicolor
Location : Moddhochor, Buriganga river, Dhaka
Date : 24.03.2013
Scientific Classification
Species:C. versicolor
Generally broad brown bands across the back, interrupted by a yellowish lateral band. Black streaks radiate from the eye, and some of them are continued over the throat, running obliquely backwards, belly frequently with greyish longitudinal stripes, one along the median line being the most distinct; young and half-grown specimens have a dark, black-edged band across the inter-orbital region.The ground-colour is generally a light brownish olive, but the lizard can change it to bright red, to black, and to a mixture of both. This change is sometimes confined to the head, at other times diffused over the whole body and tail.  

Friday 5 April 2013

Indian Pond Heron

The Indian Pond Heron or Paddybird (Ardeola grayii) is a small heron. It is of Old World origins, breeding in southern Iran and east to India,Burma, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. They are widespread and common but can be easily missed when they stalk prey at the edge of small water-bodies or even when they roost close to human habitations. They are however distinctive when they take off with bright white wings flashing in contrast to the cryptic streaked olive and brown colours of the body. Their camouflage is so excellent that they will close approach before taking to flight, a behaviour which has resulted in folk names and beliefs that the birds are short-sighted or blind

Fig. Indian Pond Heron
English Name :  Indian Pond Heron
Scientific NameArdeola grayii
Location : Buriganga river, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Date : 24.03.2013

Food and feeding
The Indian Pond Heron's feeding habitat is marshy wetlands. They usually feed at the edge of ponds but make extensive use of floating vegetation such as Water hyacinth to access deeper water. They may also on occasion swim on water or fish from the air and land in deeper waters.They have also been observed to fly and capture fishes leaping out of water.The primary food of these birds includes crustaceans, aquatic insects, fishes, tadpoles and       
                                                                                       sometimes leeches (Herpobdelloides sp.)

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Danaus chrysippus

  Fig. Danaus chrysippus
 English name : Plain tiger
 Scientific name: Danaus chrysippus
 Location : Bosila, Buriganga river, Dhaka,
 Date: 24.03.13  
 Capture by Muzammel Hossain
Danaus chrysippus, known as the Plain Tiger or African Monarch, is a common butterfly which is widespread in Asia and Africa. It belongs to the Danainae ("Milkweed butterflies") subfamily of the brush-footed butterfly familyNymphalidae. It is a medium-sized, non-edible butterfly, which is mimicked by multiple species.    
The Plain Tiger is believed to be one of the first butterflies to be used in art. A 3500 year old Egyptian fresco in Luxor features the oldest illustration of this species.