The Research center is focused broadly on the multidisciplinary research subject in the environment.  Much of our primary and secondary work involves in nature. Research provides scientific information and theories for the explanation of the nature and the properties of the world. Our scientific research can be subdivided into different classifications according to their academic and application disciplines. Scientific research is a widely used criterion for judging the standing of our university. Current research is focused on freshwater and marine water resources. Research area included as Biodiversity, Ecology, Toxicology, Aquaculture, Fisheries, Conservation, Freshwater and marine fish, shellfish, Mammals, Environmental science and resources etc.

Dr. Carole-Anne Gillis
She is a biologist and ecologist specializing on Didymosphenia geminata and Atlantic salmon. She is an advisor of Biodiversity Conservation & Fisheries Research Center Lab and Scientific Director of Restigouche River Watershed Management Council, Matapedia (QC) G0J 1V0 CANADA. She is working on river ecology and watershed management in Canada. She has completed PhD program. She is also working on impact of D. geminata on juvenile Atlantic salmon ecology and Atlantic Salmon population dynamics in the Miramichi and Restigouche catchment (Canada).

Dr. Mohammad Abdul Baki
He is a honorable Professor of Department of Zoology, Faculty of Life and Earth Science, Jagannath University, Bangladesh, Pro. Vice Chancellor, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali, Bangladesh,  and advisor of Biodiversity Conservation and Fisheries Research Center Lab. He has successfully completed Ph.D. from Yokohama National University, Japan. He has conducted research on “Mechanisms Structuring the Pelagic Microbial Food Web with Seasonal Aspects - Influence/Important of Resources and Predation” in the field of “Environment and Natural science” and M.Sc. in Aquaculture from Wageningen University, Netherlands, 2002. He has researched on “The effect of active resuspension with low protein feed on water quality and fish production (Cyprinus carpio L.)”. He has published many fundamental research articles on national and international peer-review journal. He is a good adviser. He was achieved Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (1999-2001). He was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Dr. Md Muzammel Hossain

He is a Founder and Program Coordinator to Director of Biodiversity Conservation & Fisheries Research Center Lab.
He has successfully completed Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from College of Resources and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural University, China. As a part of my doctoral research, he has studied on Si that is the 2nd most abundant element in the earth and focused on crayfish ecology or silicone ecology research that exhibited at physiological, biochemical and molecular levels. He did M.Sc. (Thesis) and B.Sc.(honors) from Department of Zoology, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh as a merit student. He has published many fundamental research articles on national and international peer-review SCI journal. He is working on biology and ecotoxicology. He was served at Agricultural University College, BAU as a Lecturer in biology. Also he has successfully completed HEQEP CP2216 Project "Faunal survey and enrichment of facilities for biodiversity research" under University of Dhaka as a Research Assistant. He has completed research on "Inventory of biodiversity in the Buriganga - Turag River and Risk Assessment". He has celebrated World Fish Migration Day Bangladesh 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020 events as a coordinator from Bangladesh and achieved ''Happy Fish'' symbol from international headquarters Afsluitdijk, Netherlands as an international symbol to buildup awareness on restore of fish migration routes.  He was born in Mymensingh, Bangladesh. His research interest on biology and ecotoxicology. As broad interest include Environmental pollution, stress, resources, Aquatic animal (fish, shellfish and mammal) and plant (rice), Silicon (Si), organosilicon or silicone polymers, Ecology, Chemical Ecology, Heavy metal Pollution, Risk Assessment, Toxicology, Biochemical Assay, Antioxidant, Physiology, Water quality, Human Health, Dolphin Conservation, DNA barcoding, Genome, Biodiversity, qRT-PCR and Molecular biology etc..

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