Sunday 21 February 2016

World Fish Migration Day 2016 Bangladesh.

World Fish Migration Day 2016 is a one day event to create worldwide awareness of the importance of freshwater migratory fish and open rivers for the general public, especially students and their teachers, resource managers and engineers, and commercial and recreational anglers, as well as those individuals who influence public policy that affect rivers. It is a global initiative with activities organized to reach these audiences. At the individual event level, organizations undertake the development of an activity to raise awareness and involve local people and media about fish migration and open rivers. Local events include a range of activities: river rally, fish exhibition, art competition, quiz, presentation, documentary show, the opening of fishways, races, food festivals, etc. 
Nature Study & Conservation Club, JnU have arranged the event World Fish Migration Day 2016 Bangladesh at Jagannath University, Bangladesh to create awareness of the importance of freshwater migratory fish and open rivers.

Biodiversity Conservation & Fisheries Research Center (BCFRC) also support the event to create awareness in the local people.  With the World Fish Migration Day 2016 (21th May, 2016) we want to raise global attention for endangered migratory fish and their migration routes.