Friday 5 April 2019

Ambition and Passion

Md Muzammel Hossain is a biologist with a background in fishery. He has graduated from Jagannath University, Dhaka. He is not only positive thinker but also researcher for aquatic animal and environment as a ambition and passionate person. He also support to Helen Keller statement, "To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug". He just wish that the perspective of the whole world would be the same; that they would choose shark over its fin or wild African elephants over ivory. After being exposed to the real word, he has developed a perception that there is a massive difference between the thinking of conversationalists and the belief of mass people about exploiting the natural resources which is not at all sustainable. He is considering the ways in which we are polluting our natural water bodies, exploiting resources and destroying our wildlife, no amount of money could help us in the coming future. His research Interests are broad and include toxicology, parasitology, ecology, aquatic animal, biodiversity, dolphin conservation, molecular biology, diseases impact and risk assessment.

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